--Duplicate File Detective 6.2.58 Enterprise-- Год/Дата Выпуска: 9 июля 2019
Разрядность: 32bit, 64bit
Версия: 6.2.58
Разработчик: Key Metric Software
Официальный сайт: Duplicate File Detective Язык интерфейса: Английский
Русский и украинский - только для версии 64-bit Таблэтка: вылечено
Тип лекарства: замена файлов Системные требования:
Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP,
Windows Server 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003 Описание: Программа Duplicate File Detective, используя современную технологию анализа содержимого файла, помогает выполнить поиск дубликатов файлов в папках на жестких дисках, съемных устройствах хранения и даже на сетевых ресурсах. Затем быстро и безопасно переместить, архивировать или удалить найденные дубликаты. Поиск и удаление дублирующихся файлов - не просто освобождение места на диске, а уменьшение затрат на длительные операции резервного копирования, обеспечение порядка в местах хранения, ускорение поиска и процесса индексирования файлов. Также программа Duplicate File Detective может заменить перемещенные или удаленные дубликаты файлов ссылками на оригинал.
- Find exact duplicates based upon file contents (with optional byte-for-byte matching)
- Built-in scheduler makes it easy to run reports on a scheduled or recurring basis
- Choose which duplicate files to process using our SmartMark assisted selection technology
- Support for master search paths, allowing users to check for duplicates against an authoritative source folder
- Powerful file hash caching technology improves file comparison performance.
- Move, delete, or zip duplicate files with the built-in Duplicate File Manager tool
- Replace duplicate files with shell, symbolic, or hard links to the originals
- Remove empty folders while deleting or moving duplicate files
- Move duplicate files while retaining the original folder structure
- Extremely robust command line interface for integration and automation support
- Find duplicate music files via audio tag extraction and analysis
- Comprehensive search filtering - limit searches by file name, date, size, length, and more
- Search multiple local and network paths in a single pass
- Export duplicate file search results in XML, HTML, CSV, TXT, PDF, and Excel file formats
- Re-import duplicate file search results from XML data files
- Compare the contents of individual files within zip archives
- Powerful file type reports shows which duplicate file types are consuming the most space
- Built-in file hash / checksum calculation tool (supports CRC32, ADLER32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512)
- Amazing enterprise-grade scalability - handles even the largest file systems with ease
- Media preview window with support for common image, video, and audio file formats
- Highly customizable duplicate file search report with sorting, printing, and much more
- File content hash / checksum caching technology for improved performance
- Email support allows reports to be sent via the command line or scheduler interfaces
- Support for low-priority I/O operational mode on Windows Vista and later
- Automatic NTFS compression of qualified file types (HTML, CSV, XML) during export
- Robust shell context menu provides access to duplicate search from within Windows Explorer, etc.
- Automatic update checking with optional HTTP proxy authentication support
- Project-based architecture allows you to save and load duplicate search projects with ease
- Fully customizable, easy-to-use ribbon bar interface
- Powerful operational logging through all phases of file discovery and comparison
Что нового:
Версия 6.2.58(9 июля 2019)
Improvement - Enhanced digital signature applied to all executable components.
Bug fix: Setting "show top n" file types/owners to zero would result in a crash during duplicate search operations. Версия 6.2.54(21 июня 2019)
Bug fix: Fixed incorrect ribbon bar icon placement when resizing main window.
Bug fix: Fixed issue with buffer invalidation during certain SID resolution operations. Версия 6.2.53(10 июня 2019)
Bug fix: Fixed crash that could occur when using certain quick access ribbon bar commands with print preview active.
Bug fix: Fixed rare potential access violation during file system object owner name resolution.
Bug fix: Fixed constrained report tooltip widths in high resolution environments.
Bug fix: Scheduled tasks no longer impose a three-day run time limit by default.
Bug fix: Update checker desktop popup window links were not working consistently.
Bug fix: Improved layout of update checker desktop popup window.
Bug fix: Automatic update checks were not properly initiated. Версия 6.2.52(28 мая 2019)
Feature: Added official support for Windows Server 2019.
Feature: Added support for single and multi consultant licenses.
Feature: Updated cryptographic libraries for improved file hashing performance.
Feature: Task scheduling features have been updated to support new COM interfaces available on Vista and later.
Feature: Scheduled tasks created by FolderSizes now run with highest available privileges.
Feature: Added orphaned scheduled task check on scheduler dialog startup.
Feature: Improved standards conformance of data exported to HTML file format.
Feature: Improved compatibility, security, and performance of all Excel export features.
Bug fix: Scheduling Excel file report creation wasn't generating the correct export command line parameter.
Bug fix: Fixed potential crash during file processing log output.
Bug fix: Fixed crash that occurred when changing theme with print preview active.
Bug fix: Fixes to non-inclusive search path mode functionality.
Bug fix: Fixed rare issue with partial hash optimization causing incorrect comparison partitioning.
Bug fix: Fixed interpolation of open and rename ribbon bar icons (home tab).
Bug fix: Now installing primitive symbols needed to work around Windows 10 untrusted font blocking.
Bug fix: Updated zip compression components to eliminate zip slip vulnerability.
Change: Support for Windows XP and Server 2003 has been discontinued.
Лечение и локализация:
В программе Duplicate File Detective нет функции выбора языка интерфейса!
Для смены языка интерфейса нужно локализовать программу.
- Если локализация программы не нужна, вручную замените "вылеченным" файлом основной иcполняемый файл установленной программы Duplicate File Detective 6. "Вылеченные" файлы находятся в папке crack UZ1 Enterprise. Для замены выбирайте файл, соответствующий разрядности вашей системы (в папках x64/x86).
- При локализации специально лечить программу не требуется - лекарство встроено в установщик файлов локализации.
- Только для 64-разрядной версии!
- Запустите программу локализации Duplicate File Detective 6.2.58.x64 Enterprise RUS.UKR by Kopejkin.exe.
- Выберите язык установки. Выбранный язык станет языком интерфейса локализуемой программы.
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